NARRATOR: Meet Herakles, the superhero of ancient Greece!
SOUND EFFECTS: [sound of trumpets heralding]
Unlike most superheroes you see today, Herakles doesn't wear tights or a cape. Greeks and Romans often showed their heroes without clothes at all so that everyone could see how strong they were!
The sculptor gave us other clues to let us know he's Herakles. There's the big club he holds over one shoulder. And in his other hand? Look carefully, and you'll see it's a lion's skin. Herakles almost always carries these two things.
Herakles was famous for being really strong and really smart. He was given twelve impossible puzzles to solve---and of course he finished them all! The first puzzle, or labor, was to kill a lion with magical fur.
SOUND EFFECTS: [sound of lion roaring]
That's the same lion's skin he carries---its magic protected Herakles from harm.
Some of his labors were real adventures. On the way to steal a golden apple, Herakles had to carry the whole world on his shoulders!
SOUND EFFECTS: [sound of grunting]
And another time he battled an evil creature with nine heads!
SOUND EFFECTS: [sound of hissing]
Every time he smashed one of the heads, two more would appear. But of course he won---no problem. He was Herakles!
SOUND EFFECTS: [sound of trumpets heralding]